This week in science was very fun on Monday we had challenge that we would be working on through out the week. We were assigned a bird and had to be experts on it. Our group got the Brown pelican and if you look at Beau's blog post you will see a very "gripping" video of the Brown Pelican. Okay so it may not be the most interesting video ever but it does give you and idea of what we are studying. Our group got two options of what to pick for this challenge so we picked the "compose it" choice which means we had to write an original song about our bird. It was fun and creative. We also got our biosphere tests back in the second session which I hope was good news for everybody.
The other day I saw on the news that there was a huge oil explosion in the Gulf of Mexico. I can't imagine how many species have been affected by the oil spill. Luckily people our taking action to clean this up, but it is really sad how one thing can mess up a whole ecosystem. You might thinking that there is nothing you can do to solve this problem but there is. Some of you have probably heard of the soap call Dawn. For those of you who have not it is able to clean animals off who have been effected by an oil spill and for every bottle you buy they clean an animal off. Ask your parents about buying Dawn soap. You can make a difference!
I think this week in science has been very fun and at times confusing. For our bird we got the Brown Pelican. This bird can migrate down to Mexico and then can go north to southern California after they hatch their eggs. You can see this bird around here most likely by the bay. This is a video about the awesome brown pelican: brown pelican rocks! This week in science we worked on the cd cover and the song. Julia and Caroline wrote the song and I made the cd cover. I think our project is very good and will hopefully get a good grade!My project was pretty easy and I think it could have been more chalenging if we had to make a cd case and download the song on a cd. I think that the 6th graders would really enjoy that next year. Overall I love making projects that last over a whole week! I liked it very much!
- BeAu
This is a great post! I like the connections and reflections here. The news about the oil spill is really too sad, and I think taht you will see that it will have a long-lasting impact on the environment and economy. I'm glad you included this in your week's news.