Thursday, March 11, 2010

Week 1 for the teletubies

Ian's News
For this new team I will start a news cast by myself. I will make sure you all now the current events.
Eclipse is coming out this Summer. You can see an official trailer. Police arrest firefighter for child neglect. that sounds really sad. Kids are huffing markers, spray paint, glue, and air conditioning and they are now dying because of this, and there age is 12, 11, and 10. An 11 year old girls body was found next to an air conditioner, a plastic bag and a screw driver. Her father is very upset and he doesn't want this to happen to anyone else's daughter or son.

This week in science with Julia:
Wow!! It has been such a crazy and exciting week! First of all on session one we worked on a erosion packet! In session two we got our new teams it was exciting and we have a wonderful team right now!! Then in in session two we had to really had to pull together for our first team challenge with our new teams!! I was so exciting and nerve racking it was a race against time and against our fellow teams. It required memory. It was sort of  like the match the cards game! We did not get first place but we did get second, an extra 8 bonus points. We are very proud of our second place victory!!!! Finally, in session three we were faced with a new challenge! We are supposed to try and sell a house anywhere in the world on a coast line, but there is a catch the house has somme erosion problems so we have two find a way to fix the erosion problems along with some other things and when we have finished all the research we will put it on google earth! Our group chose Coral Coast, Fiji as our destination of choice. We can't wait for the things to come!! Good Luck to all the teams in their race for points!
Coral Coast, Fiji

1 comment:

  1. Don't you wish you could actually go to Fiji? What a beautiful picture! I like this first blog, particularly your reflection on the week in class. The first newscast is a bit confusing - try to keep it tied to science :)
    Keep up the good work as a team, and be sure that everyone is contributing to the blog.
